Modification Services of Data Collection Module of the Telemetry System Used by Amber Grid, AB in Implementing Gas Leak Detection and Localisation Information System

Elsis ts

ELSIS TS, UAB won the tender announced by Amber Grid, AB regarding the “Modification Services of Data Collection Module of the Telemetry System in Implementing Gas Leak Detection and Localisation Information System (GLDL IS)” and signed an agreement for carrying out corresponding activities on 31 May 2016.

During the agreement Elsis TS, UAB will carry out the following activities:

  • modification of data collection module of telemetry system TEMEKA as well as of telemetry database making sure that data will be collected every 3 minutes;
  • configuration of the data collection module and telemetry system TEMEKA and entering the objects thus enabling the reading of data necessary for the operation of the GLDL IS in the objects (27 pcs.);
  • participation in GLDL IS testing, removal of the identified errors of the data collection module, ensuring stable performance of the data collection module and data transfer to the GLDL IS;
  • participation in pilot operation of the GLDL IS.


All work will be carried out in three stages in 3 years and will be completed on 14 October 2018.