Successfully implemented project for further expansion of public procurement risk management information system

Elsis pro

UAB Elsis PRO together with its joint venture partners UAB Elsis and UAB S4ID successfully implemented the project for further expansion of public procurement risk management information system (VPRV IS) which was implemented upon the order of the Public Procurement Office (PPO).

This is the third PPRM IS expansion phase at the time whereof the PPRM IS integration with SFMIS (EU Structural Funds Management Information System), modified subsystem of the management of public procurement notices and reports and works of the adaptation of VPRV IS for the adoption of the euro in Lithuania were carried out.

Integration with SFMIS allows exchanging data on the performed projects, registered violations and other registered suspicious, on the basis whereof the risk management methodology was improved including information received from SFMIS and adapting risk management information system thereto. This allows strengthening public procurement control. Additionally, a possibility to use specific SFMIS projects was implemented in the subsystem of the management of public procurement notices and reports.

After the updates and improvements performed, when evaluating procurement risks (of contracting authorities), the public procurement risk management information system (VPRV IS) also assesses a risk level of the SFMIS project associated with the procurement or the contract.

The project was carried out in accordance with the measure VP1-4.2-VRM-03-V “Improvement of the System of Public Administration Entities” of the 4th priority “Enhancing Administrative Skills and Public Administration Efficiency” of the Human Resource Development Action Programme of 2007-2013.

The project was developed in application of Microsoft SQL and Java technologies.