„One-stop-shop“ principle implementation

ElsisElsis pro
Project full name:

„One-stop-shop“ principle implementation in municipality of Neringa




2009 /12 – 2011 /11



Project description:

UAB „Elsis” together with joint activity agreement partners – UAB „PricewaterhouseCooper” and UAB „Elsis PRO”, has successfully completed in Neringa Municipality for the implementation of “one-stop-shop” principle. The scope of a project – analysis of municipal services as a whole, optimization of processes, delivery of required computer hardware, extensive customer’s trainings. The result – implemented and configured Municipal Service Management System, which allows provide services to the customer in accordance with „One-Stop-Shop” principle and optimzed work-flows, reduce overall service time, improve internal communication, implement service quality control, increase overall customer satisfaction.

Municipal Service Management System is tightly integrated with the document management system; therefore all documents associated with provided service are stored in one place in electronic form. The system provides the possibility in the future to switch fully from paper to to electornic documents signing them with a secure digital signature.

Much attention will be paid to municipal workers, whose work involves the provision of services for citizens and businesses, training.

Technology used
Microsoft SQL; .Net