Automated meteorological stations (AMS)

Elsis ts
Project full name:

Lithuanian meteorological observation network modernization program




2010/02 – 2010/12


Hydrometeorological monitoring system;

Project description:

Newly installed air and soil temperature, wind charactersitics, sun radiation sensors, snow cover thickness sensors and others will allow to provide actual reliable hydrometeorological information and forecasts for state and local governmental institutions, economic and business entities, international agencies and the country‘s public users.

The installed equipment and devices will create prerequisites for more accurate weather forecasting, flood, drought, water shortages, to develop specific predictions, assessing agrometeorological conditions, promptly inform the residents and other interested bodies about extreme events.

The project  is implemented according the  2007-2013 EU Cohesion Funds Programme “Environmental monitoring, control and prevention”. Equipment manufacturer: Vaisala Oy (Finland). The project is financed  by European Union Structural Funds and the Lithuanian State.